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Enable users to control their Language, Units, and Notifications, and redesign the User's Personal area. 

Account Settings

Product Design

Feb ‘22 - April ‘22

UI, UX, Research, UJM, Flow


AgroScout's web app and app serves as a comprehensive platform for farmers to access real-time data on their crops, including growth patterns, soil health, and weather forecasts. This information empowers farmers to make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, leading to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.

The mobile app complements the web platform by allowing farmers to monitor their fields on the go. With just a few taps on their smartphones, they can receive alerts about potential pest infestations or adverse weather conditions, enabling timely interventions to safeguard their crops. AgroScout's mobile app truly puts the power of precision agriculture in the palm of farmers' hands.

Moreover, the flight app integrates drone technology, enabling aerial surveillance of fields. Drones equipped with advanced sensors and cameras collect high-resolution imagery, which is then processed and analyzed by AgroScout's algorithms. This aerial perspective offers farmers invaluable insights into the health and vigor of their crops, enabling early detection of issues and precise pest management strategies. 

About AgroScout 

The User Settings feature in the AgroScout web app allows users to control languages and units. Additionally, users have the option to manage application notifications. Another aspect of this feature includes the redesign of the user's personal area, as well as the ability to deactivate a user's account.

About User Settings

As a user, it’s necessary to have the option to control languages and units, user personal settings, notifications preferences  in order to provide support for the following scenarios:

  • Language and Units Control:
    1. Users from diverse linguistic backgrounds may struggle to understand and navigate the app if it's available only in english language.
    2. Unit confusion can result in errors, misunderstandings, and inaccurate data analysis, which in turn can have a significant impact on agricultural decisions. This is why it's crucial to support a wide range of units.


  • User Personal Settings
    Currently, the user personal settings feature has a poorly designed user interface and a confusing user experience. We need to incorporate additional options while simplifying the UI/UX for a more user-friendly experience.


  • Notifications Preferences
    1. Overwhelming Notifications: Users who cannot control notifications may receive an excessive number of alerts, leading to information overload and decreased attention to critical updates.
    2. Missed Important Updates: Conversely, some users may miss essential notifications in the flood of less important ones, potentially leading to missed opportunities or critical issues.


For this feature, our user base encompasses a wide range of user personas, including SMB farmers, large-scale farmers, drone pilots, and agronomists. To ensure that the feature caters to all these diverse user groups, we conducted user tests with each persona type using prototypes.

  • SMB farmers

  • Large-Scale Farmers

  • Drone Pilots

  • Agronomists

User Personas

I used the "How Might We" questioning method in the context of a user settings, this allowed me for the generation of inventive solutions while ensuring a focus on addressing the most crucial problems. By framing questions using "How Might We", it encourages creative thinking and opens up possibilities for innovative approaches to designing and improving the user settings feature. When applied to a user settings, "How Might We" questioning prompts us to consider various aspects of its functionality, user experience, and problem-solving capabilities. For example, "How might we distinguish between in-app notifications and web-app notifications effectively?".

How Might We

To fully grasp and evaluate the feature and its challenges, I meticulously mapped out all competitors who has the user settings with the options to control languages and units, user personal settings, notifications preferences.


Thorough the research I collected and explored inspirations and ideas from direct competitors, the broader ecosystem, prevailing design trends, and big apps in the market, all tailored towards enhancing the User Settings feature. I meticulously mapped out all the corresponding flows and research using Miro.
Below, you can find screenshots from the research.

UI.UX Research 

I used the method "User Journey Map" method to proactively address potential issues, enhance customer retention, and uncover vital information for making informed decisions. These visual diagrams depict various scenarios of the expected user experience when users interact with the user settings feature.

  • User Settings

User Journey Map - 

A comprehensive map of the user experience when engaging with the user settings feature, demonstrating each UI screen and scenario.
A key tool for aligning development and project management teams prior
to creating wireframes and visual designs of the user settings feature.

  • Account Settings -> Profile Info

  • Click on Profile -> Pop-over option to change quick Languages & Units 

  • Account Settings -> Notifications Preferences 

  • Account Settings -> Languages & Units

Flow of the Screens
by Notes

Please find below the UI screens from our web app, illustrating the user settings feature. 
These screens offer a visual representation and flows of the user settings feature in the web app.

UI Screens

In the 'Account Settings -> Profile Info' flow, users have the ability to update their profile information, change their password, or deactivate their user account if it is no longer required. This page has been redesigned, and we added the option for deactivating user accounts.

Account Settings -> Profile Info

In the 'Account Settings -> Notifications Preferences' flow, users have the ability to choose their desired notifications for web, mobile, and email using checkboxes. This flow is crucial because without it, they might miss important notifications due to the volume of notifications in the system.

Account Settings -> Notifications Preferences 

In the 'Account Settings -> Languages & Units' flow, users have the ability to change their units and languages. Users from diverse linguistic backgrounds may struggle to understand and navigate the app if it's available only in English or if it uses units that are not relevant to their country. For example, in Israel, we use "dunam" as a unit of measurement.

Account Settings -> Languages & Units

In the 'Change Quick Languages & Units' flow, users have the ability to swiftly change their units and languages. In this scenario, our goal is to provide users with the quickest possible way to make these changes, if they are not familiar with the language or unit of measurement currently set.

Change Quick 
Languages & Units 

The popover is displayed when a user clicks on their profile on the side navigation menu.
This popover allows the user to access account settings, the company panel, log out, or quickly change units and languages. This is particularly important for users who may not understand the current language or units, as they need to be able to make these changes as quickly as possible.

Pop-over Animation 

My Role and Challenges 

Role - Product designer 
As a Product Designer I held complete design-ownership over the feature of the web app of the user settings. My role encompassed the entire design process of the user settings feature, from ideation and brainstorming to user research, user experience, user journey mapping, user interface design, and prototyping. I took on full responsibility for ensuring that the feature met the high standards set by AgroScout, delivering a best user experience to our customers.



  • How do you create a straightforward, fast and user-friendly language and units swapping,
    as well as notification settings?

  • Another challenge we encountered during the design process was adapting screen components in the web app to accommodate different languages, which sometimes required adjustments, such as for buttons.

Despite the challenges posed by the user settings feature, I was able to overcome them
through the use of good UX design and thorough user research. 

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